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模拟经营 版本:1.03.000 时间:2017-08-14 15:11:06


  • 英雄联盟冠军经理汉化破解版
  • 英雄联盟冠军经理汉化破解版
  • 英雄联盟冠军经理汉化破解版
  • 英雄联盟冠军经理汉化破解版

      英雄联盟:冠军经理(LOL Champion Manager)安卓版是一款LOL模拟经营的手机游戏,游戏中玩家将作为一名经理,招募选手组建战队, 制定战术赢取比赛胜利,并带领战队击败强敌一步步夺取世界赛事总冠军。


      Show your LoL knowledge

      Investigate the meta and new strategies to create the best possible team comp. Team fights, combos, counterpicks, sinergies… Show your skills and knowledge to the LoL community.

      2 minutes game simulator

      Simulate a game in just 2 minutes to check if your strategy and team comp is as powerful as you thought. Learn from your mistakes and face the next game with a huge advantage in the strategy.

      Based on real statistics

      Our OP point system classifies and order all LoL champions based on their real statistics which we update after each patch. Stay tuned and search for the OP champions after each patch update: toplaner, jungler, midlaner, AD carry and support. Learn how to create the best team comp and carry your team. GG!

      Lol Champion Manager is an APP made by fans and it’s based on public real statistics from the game, the main goal is to become a LoL expert learning about team comps, picks&bans, counterpicks and more. We have gamified each feature in this APP to make a more immersive learning experience so you can learn LoL strategy in a natural and funny approach.

      LOL Champion Manage is a product made by a group of fans (Underdog Coders) and as so it is not an official product or endorsed by any other Third Party and doesn't reflect the views or opinions of any Third Party.

      PLEASE NOTE! LOL Champion Manager is free to download and play, however some game items can also be purchased for real money. If you do not want to use this feature, please set up password protection for purchases in the settings of your Google Play Store app. Also, under our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, you must be at least 12 years of age to play or download.

      To play this game you need internet connection. By using this application, you accept the "Privacy Policy" and the "Legal Notice". It contains advertisements of "Underdog Coders" and their partners. It also collects data through analysis technology and delivers third party advertisements including network and GPS locations. The app contains direct links to social networks for those above the age of 13 and also direct links to the internet.

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